Jul 16, 2010

Ashley & Sean Vintage St Petersburg Engagement Session

Vintage is a popular trend right now, but we are lucky to have couples that know how to do it right! We started Ashley and Sean's session around downtown St Pete and ventured around to see what cool stuff we could find. Well, how about a really old Ford on the side of the road? Yes please! We lucked out with a really nice owner that actually uses this beauty as his day-to-day car and let us lean on it and climb inside. We only stayed in the vintage theme for about half of the session, even though Sean was not shy about saying he wished people still dressed like that because Ashley looked so adorable (awww, they're so cute right?).

We spent the second half in some more comfy clothes and drove to a park where we played with butterflies (ok, that was me) and got some shots that showed a little more of this couple's fun personality.

Here are some of the more casual shots from Sawgrass Lake Park.

And I just love the way he's looking at her here...

Can't even wait for their wedding next March which will take place in an orange grove!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice job on the lead black & white photo, that is a great location you found.
