On our way to meet up with Evan's parents and brother in Arizona for our first family vacation including me, the part I was most excited about was the fact we had to fly into Vegas and then drive to Arizona. The plan was to land early, get a few hours of sinful fun in and then head 4 hours east, over the Hoover Dam, and through the woods to where the parentals would already be staying. Well, I've never been to Vegas before and I didn't think it would be my kind of place but there was so much stuff I wanted to see that a few hours wasn't enough. Well, Evan is quite the romantic and he surprised me with reservations at the MGM Grand as an Anniversary present so we could enjoy a whole night and day exploring the strip. Turns out, Vegas totally gets me. I'm usually a super serious person but was totally able to loosen up and have some fun. The shopping! The art! The food! It was fantastic and we had a blast. Evan doubled his investment in blackjack ($10) and I played some slot machines and came out $6 richer.
Here's a quick glimpse at our fabulous time
Inside of Paris, which I was certain would be my favorite hotel 

But it turned out that the Bellagio won my heat, with the Chihully installations and gallery, and of course the Jean Phillipe Patisserie. Absolute heaven.